11-13 September, Trento, Italy
19th IFPE International Congress
Improving global mental health: from epidemiological research to practice
University of Trento
Trento, Trentino Alto Adige
Thursday to Saturday
11-13 September 2025
Improving global mental health:
from epidemiological research to practice
The 19th Congress of the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology (IFPE) will take place amidst growing global mental health challenges. With nearly one billion people worldwide living with a mental disorder, mental health remains one of the most neglected areas of public health. Psychiatric epidemiology plays a pivotal role in addressing this gap by providing robust data and methodologies to inform effective policies, programs, and interventions.
The Congress program will cover a wide array of psychiatric epidemiology topics, including the social and environmental determinants of mental illness, genetic epidemiology, and pharmacoepidemiology. It will address how societal factors such as war, terror attacks, poverty, and economic hardship shape mental health and mental illness. In addition, service research will be highlighted as a key tool for improving population mental health. Important topics will include reducing stigma and discrimination, promoting social inclusion, and addressing systemic inequalities in access to care. The Congress will also focus on personal recovery and evidence-based practices that support recovery, such as peer support, shared decision-making, and community-based interventions. This event underscores IFPE's commitment to fostering interdisciplinary collaboration among epidemiologists, clinicians, behavioural scientists, and other health professionals. By integrating epidemiological, clinical, social, and biological research, the Congress aims to drive innovation in public health approaches and methodologies while developing solutions that empower communities and address the neglect of mental health in public health agendas. As psychiatric epidemiology continues to evolve, this Congress will also serve as a platform to mentor young researchers, disseminate cutting-edge findings, and inspire a new generation of mental health professionals committed to promoting global mental health equity. Plenary lectures, symposia, free oral presentations, and poster sessions will provide platforms for sharing findings and innovative ideas.
The 19th IFPE Congress will be held in Trento, a city located in the northeastern Italy, at the heart of the Italian Alps, between Lake Garda and the Dolomites. Trento boasts stunning Renaissance buildings adorned with frescoes, set against a breathtaking alpine backdrop, and is conveniently accessible via Verona International Airport.
Join us in Trento for this vital gathering to challenge the status quo, foster innovation, and envision a brighter future for global mental health!
Executive Board IFPE
Mirella Ruggeri
President - Italy
Johannes Wancata
Vice President - Austria
Francesco Amaddeo
Secretary General - Italy
Antonio Lasalvia
Treasurer - Italy
Wulf Rössler
Past President - Switzerland
Marianne Farkas
Peter Butterworth
Thara Rangaswamy
Martin Preisig
Alexandre Loch
Local Committee
Claudio Agostini
Francesco Amaddeo
Luca Bodini
Chiara Bonetto
Doriana Cristofalo
Wilma Di Napoli
Antonio Lasalvia
Laura Rabbi
Paola Santo
Giada Silveri

Abstract and Symposium
The Congress offers excellent opportunities to learn from the latest research and practice,
to network with experts and colleagues and to expand your professional horizons.
In order to be part of the scientific programme, please submit an abstract that will be reviewed by the Scientific Programme Committee.
You can submit for a single presentation or for a symposium.
Submit your Abstract
Do not miss the opportunity to share your Abstract.
Single Abstracts are considered for oral and poster presentations.
Submit your Symposium
Symposia proposals are considered for 90-minutes sessions,
maximum 4 presentations.
Important dates
Abstract Submission
15th February- 15th May 2025
Abstract Notification
30th May 2025
Early Registration Deadline
1st July 2025